It’s SPRING and I’m having a CONTEST!!
In honor of National Pet Week, “Larry Gekiere Artist” is holding a contest just for my newsletter subscribers. The theme of the contest is in keeping with the theme for next year’s National Pet Week – “More than a Pet, More than a Friend…Family”.
The contest runs through June 30th and the prizes are great! The exact rules and the list of prizes are detailed in my latest newsletter. If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, click here or by clicking on the graphic for the contest below! Once you sign up, you will receive my latest newsletter detailing the contest.
The winners will be announced in July on my blog and here on Facebook.
Remember, if you want to enter the contest and you aren’t a newsletter subscriber, head over here to sign up. Or sign up right on my Facebook page under Newsletter Signup. You’ll receive the latest newsletter as soon as we receive your subscription.
Newsletter subscribers entering the contest will be posting their entries in the contest in comments on my Facebook page, so check out the entries here and enjoy!